Wednesday 18 December 2013

Locations: Pre-Prod

When selecting my locations for my media video I wanted to make sure that the locations co-inside with the emotional music video which i was looking to create
One of my locations which i have selected is The Studio, located in the art block at my school. A reason for this is that i know the times of which i can shoot in the studio so it is quite a flexible option, also this will be more convenient for my actors. The studio also looks like a more professional place that i can film with a nice clear background which i feel i could benefit from when filming. I will use this location for location filming and a few snapshots of people holding signs up as i feel the how plain and empty the room is this could really help to portray the how someone is feeling alone which goes along with the narrative to my music video.

I will also be filming some shots around school, this is so i can show one of my actors in their usual day to day environment and i will be able to show how they are different from others.Another advantage of using this location is that it is of course easily accessible and as all my actors will be school mates this will be an easy place to bring all my actors all together with effect.

The final location will be at my home which will be the main part of where the narrative part of the music videos will be filmed. This is because i can use it 24/7 and as well as this i have some good rooms available for use in my house to go with the lyrics of the song. As of course the song is 'how to save a life' my narrative story will involve someone trying to help a troubled person, with my mother being a couseller and working from home i believe her working room will be a good place to film some shots as it will reflect a real life situation, making the music video more realistic. 

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