Wednesday, 11 December 2013


To help me get some ideas flowing i decided to share my song choice with the rest of my class mates to see if they could help me get any ideas flowing. I thought this would be a good idea as it would help me to see what other people think of the song and how they interpret it.
The ideas which my classmates came up with where: 

I imagine it being really dramatic, a guy singing on his own and its really windy on top of a hill or mountain. Emotional singing.  If the whole thing is like that it might get boring, so maybe having a narrative as well would be good. Maybe flashbacks to the relationship he’s singing about. It’s a really emotional song so the lip syncing needs to be really emotional, maybe even crying.

A boy sits waiting in his room for something, unknown to the audience at the time. Flashbacks take us through his life at school, his family and his girlfriend. All seem to be going badly apart from the flashbacks of his girlfriend. In the end the boy sees a figure coming towards the door and thinks it’s his girlfriend but instead it’s someone revealing she has been killed in an accident. The boy has nothing left.

I see a few people who are less fortunate than most, like a homeless person, someone in hospital ill etc. and they need help but no one is helping. The there’s one guy who is depressed etc etc and he someone saves the people who need help with small favors that make a big impact.

The opening a young boy sat in class drawing in his note book picture of him with friends, then everyone goes for lunch and he has no friends. Among st all the loneliness a girl keeps looking over she starts talking to him, gradually there friendships blossoms, second chorus the lighting gets more bright and things are much better you see them on a beach but slowly in 3rd verse things fall down he tries his best she gives up him, he goes back to the class room does a full circle and writes about love and his loss then he gets really angry starts turning the room upside down. She finds him in the room on his own they sit down and talk. 

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