I wanted the actors of my film to fit the roles as best as i possibly could with the charcters which i was looking to create in my music video. So i looked at the band which song i am performing 'The Fray' The fray consist's of four male singers. However in the video's of the fray songs the lead singer features heavily whilst other band members just take up a few shots.
Therefore i wanted to find a good lead singer to be part of my band as they will be featuring heavily in my performance parts of the music video. I am currently in the process of recruiting my lead singer and I am looking in the drama and music departments of the school. The reasoning for this being that i believe that these students in our school have a passion for music and will be more willing to perform and enjoy it alot more, all of these being key factors filming to make the video look as good as possible. I didnt want someone on set who looks like they are not giving it their all as i feel it will make the music video look abit lifeless and half hearted.
My main actor in the music video
I have selected my friend Reuben to be the main character in this music video, the reason for this is because Reuben dresses in the way which i was looking for my main actor to dress so he will naturally be wearing the choice of clothes in the video, this being a small factor in what i wanted but i believe the fact that these are his usual choice of clothes can make a small but effective difference as i believe he will be more effective and at home when infront of the camera. He is a good friend of mine and i know he is reliable and is flexible with his time so will be able to film at times which are good for all concerned. He has also performed in some of my fellow media students videos and has been a good actor and has fitted the role which has been requested so i know i cant count on his abilities.
Actors playing smaller roles in the video
The actor which will be playing the person trying to help the troubled teenager will be my mother. Although this may seem like an easy way out i believe this will be to my advantedge, this is because my mother is a professional counseller and is highly regarded in this industry. Therefore, it will be second nature to my mother when talking to people about problems and trying to find them a way out of dark places. This again adds to the factor of my actors being at ease when in front of characters making the music video look more proffesional.
Reasons for using a male and female
I have decided to use a male and a female actor for the main actors in my narritve part of the music video. Although it comes across pure co-incdence that my main actors are of different sexes this is something i was infact looking to do in the first place. This is because I wanted to show the divide between the two actors, with my mum being a highly qualified counsellor who will be dressed in brighter coloured clothes, whilst my friend ben is a troubled teenager who needs help dressed in darker clothes. I think that the fact they are of oppisite sexes will help to increase the divide which we see in the music video which will help to produce a more emotional music video which is what I am looking to create
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